Just a quick note to let you know i’m just back from 2 weeks away from screen and keyboard. I’ve got a ton of emails to sort out, so pardon me if i don’t get back to you immediatly but i’ll try to answer tomorrow
Van Geeteruyen Frederic
15/08/2013 at 22 h 09 min - Reply
How does Kim Jung Gi or somebody else memorize pictures/images?
I’m searching for anwers on this questions but find non
can you mayby answer this ‘stupid’ question?
Jean-Christophe Caurette
16/08/2013 at 11 h 48 min - Reply
How does Kim Jung Gi or somebody else memorize pictures/images?
I’m searching for anwers on this questions but find non
can you mayby answer this ‘stupid’ question?
If i only knew ^^