Hi everybody,

So, good news for those of you living in the South of France : Kim Jung Gi has confirmed he will participate in the Festival of Sollies this coming week-end (23/24 aout).

Let me tell you a little bit more about how it happens : KJG in now, as we speak, in the US. He will come back to Seoul this thursday at 4:40. Go home, change cloth, say Hi to his family, and then he will take a plane to fly to Paris at 13:30. Then fly to Toulon and go to Sollies with a 12 hours jet lag. So, it you come to meet him, don’t be surprised if he’s a bit tired and don’t hesitate to say a big Merci to Pascal Orsini and Anne who manage the festival for organizing the whole thing. Believe me, it’s not always easy (and in fact a bit crazy ^^).

