Good news ! We know now a little bit more about the 2013 sketchbook !
It will be the same size as the 2011, that is 21.5 × 28 × 3 cm and will account for 536 pages including some drawings that KJG made during his trip to Europe last summer.
Price should be about the same as the 2011 edition.
I don’t know yet if there will be “Special Editions” for sale.
It should be available around july in Europe, we’ll let you know of course ! (or, if you really wanna be sure, drop me a line with your email address at If we’ve been in touch, you should already be in the mailing list)
But let the master speak now : here are a few pages …
First, the (very red !) cover
And the a few pages :
If you’ve been to Paris, you might recognize that one !
More to come soon
Bonjour! je ne sais pas si les commandes du sketchbook 2013 du Maitre ont commencées, mais je voulais en reserver d’ores et deja 2 exemplaires, merci de me repondre quand vous le pourrez, en vous remerciant par avance,
Fabrice Bianchini, bonne journée!
Ca roule, bien noté !